Friday, May 4, 2018

Concept of Time and Brahma Universe

Ø  Padma Puran

First Concept of Time
  Narayan himself was Brahma and that reality he was eternal. But in a formal sense it was stated that Brahma was created and in that normally recognized manner Brahma had hundred years of age; apparently, the concept of Time would have to have a basis and that was why Brahma’s age was determined notionally as of hundred Brahma years; in other words, Para or the first half was over and his present age has entered the Paraartha, the second half. This was how, the concept of time emerged.

Time Conversion:
·         15 Nimeshas = 1 kaashtha
·         30 Kaashtha = 1 kala
·         30 kala = 1 Muhurtha
·         30 muhurtas = 1 day/night
·         30 day/nights = 1 maasa
·         ½ Maasas = 1 Paksha
·         6 Maasas = 1 Ayana
·         2 Ayanas-Dakshinayana and Uttarayana = 1 Year
·         12,000 Deva Years = 4 Yugas viz, Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.
·         4 Yuga = 1 Maha Yuga, which is Brahma’s one day!
·         1 Satya Yuga = 4800 Deva years including Sandhya mana of 400 years and sandhyamsha maana of additional 400 years
·         1 Treta Yuga = 3600 Deva years including 600 years of Sandhya/Sandhyamsha mana’each
·         1 Dwapara Yuga = 2400 years including 200 years of Sandhya/Sandhyamsha mana’each
·         1 kali Yuga = 1000 years including 100 years each of Sandhya/Sandhyamsha manas
·         1 Deva year = 360 Human year

·         Dakshinayana is a night for Devas and Uttarayana their day. One hundred  Human years makes one day-night of Devas.

According to Hindu Methodology ,
The duration of kali Yuga in Human years terms is 432,000 years; Dwapara’s is 864,000 years; Treta Yuga’s is 12,96,000 and Satya Yuga is 17,28,000 years; All the yugas totaling 432,00,00,000 (432 million) make one Chaturyuga and that constitutes one Brahma Day!

·         1 day of Brahma = 14 Manvantaras
·         1 manvantara = 8,51,000 of Deva years
·         1 day-night of Brahma = 2 kalpas

At the end of the previous kalpa, Brahma felt the fresh from the previous night and found that Earth was submerged in water while God Varaha Deva entered into water and Earth prayed to him; in response, varahadeva emanated a ‘Ghur Ghur’ sound which was like the reverberation of Sama Veda, lifted up by Earth from Rasala Loka by the might of his horns, Devas rained fragrant flowers from the sky, Rishis went into rapturous tributes to Vishnu’s incarnated Varaha Rupa; and Brahma implored the latter to allow him recommence Shrishti with his blessings as also to preserve and administer the creation that he would so generate even as the lord gracefully replied say: “Tathastu!”.

Brahma creation of Srishti
Brahma’s first Srishti begin Maha Tatva, the creation of Tanmatras was known as Bhuta sarga or the second Srishti; Vaikarika or Satvika Ahankara was the third Srishti ,fourth is The Mukyha Sarga related to mountains and forests and other Sthaavara Sristhti, the fifth Sristhi relates to animals and birds; Sixth was called Sarga or Urthva faced and was of Devas and seventh was of Manava Sarga ; the eighth was of Anugraha Sarga which could be of Satvika or Tamasic nature and finally the Ninth Srishti called the Kaumara sarga which could be of Prakrita or Vaikrita Marg.

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