Friday, May 4, 2018

Infinite Life Literature: Hinduism

Mantra of Brahman:

“AUM pUrNamadaH pUrNamida.n pUrNAt.h pUrNamudachyate. pUrNasaya pUrNamADAya pUrNamevAvashiShyate.”

The Eternity of the Bramh and Prakriti:
Ø  The infinite has already always existed and it will always exist, and from that infinite an infinite can be taken out, and even then it will remain infinite only. There will be no change in it and that infinity is The Brahman.  Also commonly known as first step in understanding Hinduism.
Ø  Despite the infinite concept of Brahman and Hinduism, there is a beautiful structure in Hindu thought.

The Hindu Vision of the Brahman:

Brahman , primordial undivided consciousness is everything and is absolute reality is known as Purush.
Apart from materialistic world, Atman or soul comes out of Brahman (Paratman) as pieces of consciousness. Atman is soul and can never be created or destroyed, Atman comes out of whole cycle through Moksha and it is pure energy. Science agrees on fact that Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be transform. So does Hinduism also believes in conservation of energy ,even through infinite cycle of life and death the total energy of system remains constant.
Atman when comes out of Brahman enters MAYA (Prakriti), primordial matter which is false reality and infinite cycle of birth, ageing, old age and death starts when Atman(male) interacts with maya(Female).
This cycle of life and death resemble with individual Atman but this cycle is a part of big framework of Universe which itself goes on creation, nurturing and destruction which happens in one Brahma’s day and is characterized by four Yugas in fixed ratio of 4:3:2:1.

Brahma’s Universe is created, nurtured and destroyed every after four Yugas and the cycle continuously runs.
In other religions around the globe , there is only one life and soul after death either goes to heaven or hell but only Hinduism believes or claims infinite cycle of atman and this simply suggest that no extra energy is spent on creation and destruction and thus there is conservation of energy with infinite cycle.

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