Friday, May 4, 2018

Large Hadron Collider, CERN and Cosmic Dance of Shiva


Both Science and religion approaches the idea of where we came from with set of rules. They both have different view of reality but there are some places where they both are compatible.

 Nataraja  the lord of dance  is a depiction of the Hindu god Shiva as the cosmic ecstatic dancer and dance is commonly known as Tandavam or Nadanta and  symbolises the ‘life force’, has a statue at CERN, Switzerland, home to the Large Hadron Collider and one of the premiere research institutes in the world.
 The statue, symbolizing Shiva’s cosmic dance of creation and destruction of whole universe. Shiva is encircled with outgoing ring of flames which represent infinite amount of energy and space time through space. Also hair represents flow of matter as universe is all about matter and energy. Upper arm holds drum which he plays and releases cosmic sound while creating universe and in left hand, holds fire symbolizes destruction .He always rest on left leg meaning constant attributes and right leg raised symbolizes that he is free from any gravitational pull and has ability to travel through any dimension.

Before discovery of Higgs Boson, Symbol of Nataraja was only limited to hindu culture but behavior of Higgs Boson and symbolic representation of Nataraja are so compatible with the idea of Universe from beginning to end. There is still more things about Nataraja to be known.
In the symbolic representation, Shiva is surrounded by a ring of flames, standing on a lotus pedestal, lifting his left leg (or in rare cases, the right leg) and balancing over a demon shown as a dwarf who symbolizes ignorance. The dynamism of the energetic dance is depicted with the whirling hair which spread out in thin strands as a fan behind his head.

Significance of Tandavam:
·         First, it is seen as the image of his rhythmic play which is the source of all movement within the universe. This is represented by the circular or elliptical frame surrounding Shiva.
·         Secondly, the purpose of his dance is to release the souls of all men from the snare of illusion.
·         Lastly, the place of the dance, Chidambaram, which is portrayed as the center of the universe, is actually within the heart.
Lord Shiva (Nataraja), the primordial god of all gods, the supreme creator and the Mahadeva, the greatest god, the supreme source of energy. Shiva is the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations for god Brahma to start the process of creation a fresh universe.

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