Friday, May 4, 2018

Vedic Mathematics part-1

                  “The Secret of High Mental Computations”

Vedas is supposed to be written a very long time ago. Most of dating suggest the time of Vedas around ten thousands of year.
In Vedic knowledge, under Sruti ( revealed absolute truth, unchanged for eternity), we find the three sections : Vedas, UpVedas and Sulba Sutras which reveal all the ways and findings of Vedic mathematics.
Sulba Sutras deals with various measurement and construction of different arenas of religious rites.

Pythagoras Theorem
Pythagoras was not first to discover that sum of individual squares of perpendicular and base of a right angled triangle is equal to square of hypoteneous.

         Sq. of A + sq. of B = sq. of C

Vedic mathematics:
      “The Diagonal Cord of rectangle makes both the squares that the horizontal and vertical side makes separately”.
Triangle law of sides were used to determine the velocity different use by using projection in ancient time.

                                                                Warm Up

Exercise: 1
  Pick a number.
 Double the number.
 Add 10
Divide by 2
 Subtract the original number.

Exercise: 2
Write down three digit number where digits are in decreasing order.
Reverse the digits and subtract from the first number.
Reverse the digits of result and add to the result.

Try it yourself and see the magic.
More about vedic mathematics will be uploaded in coming parts.

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