Saturday, May 5, 2018

Theory of Creation of Universe

Hindusim, the oldest religion on planet. Not exact date of starting of Hinduism is known to us and is believed that the Vedas and Upnisad were written about 10,000 years ago.
Vedas and Upnisad were not written by any personal but were directly listened from Gods and then were delievered to human, that is the reason Veda says to worship The Param Atman who is formless and is never born ,never destroyed ,was at the beginning of Universe and will remain after the end of Universe.

Formation of Universe:
According to Hindu Methodology, Universe is created, nurtured and destroyed after every one day of Brahma.
In one complete cycle of formation of Universe, there are total of four Yugas namely; Satya Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, Treta Yuga and kal Yuga in the ratio of 4:3:2:1. All the Yugas totaling 432,00,00,000 (432 million) make one Chaturyuga and that constitutes one Brahma Day!

At the starting of Brahma day, there is a explosion which is also known as Big Bang in today’s science releasing infinite amount of energy and matter through time and space. Dark energy and dark matter is represented by steam of Lotus which is still unknown to modern science. At the beginning, infinite amount of energy is concentrated at a point on God Vishnu’s naval and is practically unstable which goes on disintegration and today science knows by Eienstine formulae . Once Brahma night starts, Universe starts to contract and all the scattered matter and energy will get collapsed to a point which is also known as Big Crunch in today’s science.
It is quite surprising that the facts scientist discovering now is written in Hinduism and resembles perfectly to each theory.

 Pictorial representation:
God Vishnu resting on bed made by snakes and long rooted lotus grows from his naval and God Brahma on the top of flower with background of time and space gives clear vision that Universe is created through naval of Vishnu. Once Vishnu goes to rest, consciousness known as Brahma gets up and created Universe.

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