Friday, May 4, 2018

Sanskrit as language of Artificial Intelligence

Sanskrit, a primordial language, is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism; a philosophical language of HinduismSikhismBuddhism, and Jainism; and a literary language and lingua franca for the educated of ancient and medieval South Asia.

Hinduism believes that when Universe is created and Shiva performs Tandava with his cosmic drum and from the vibrations of cosmic sound produced by drum Sanskrit language is created.

Artificial Intelligence:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:
  • Speech recognition
  • Learning
  • Planning
  • Problem solving
 Article published in 1985 in the Artificial Intelligence magazine of Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). Titled "Knowledge Representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence" by Rick Briggs, from Ames Research Centre - NASA, talks about Sanskrit's suitability for representation of information that is amenable to processing on computer. The essence of the article is that ”Sanskrit has a mean deviation of zero from a language ideal for information processing”. There's a course called Sanskrit for Machine Learning which solely relies on Vedic mathematics.

Computer scientists are analyzing the sacred Indian texts an applying the methods of mathematical logic to achieve a key of standards by which they are able to teach Ethics to AI.
According to researchers from the Institute of Logic and Computation at TU Wien, a machine could be presented with a certain set of obligations and prohibitions, and follow certain rules to automatically determine if a certain type of behavior is acceptable or not: for example, a car without driver that should make ethical decisions in the event of an accident.

Sanskrit, which for the duration of almost 10,000 years ,as dated from ancient holy books of Hinduism, was a living spoken language with a considerable literature of its own. Besides works of literary value, there was a long philosophical and grammatical tradition that has continued to exist with undiminished vigor until the present century. Among the accomplishments of the grammarians can be reckoned a method for paraphrasing Sanskrit in a manner that is identical not only in essence but in form with current work in Artificial Intelligence.
Sanskrit have more than strict 4000 rules for grammar which gives less chance of deviation in data processing and also it entirely uses principles of Vedic Mathematics which gives minimum variation and is accurate and precise.
Understanding the ancient Vedas in order to teach machines
As noted by experts in the new study, vlassical logic deals with statements that are true or false, and provides rules that we can use to combine true statements, creating new statements that are also true.
This is how mathematics works: if we start with something true and follow a certain set of rules, the final result will therefore be true.
However, scientists at TU Wien say this kind of logic is not useful if we want to deal with ethics.
“When we deal with prohibitions and obligations, we are not interested in what is true or false, but in what we should or should not do,” concludes Ciabattoni.
“Therefore, a completely different kind of logic is needed, called deontic logic. Just like classical logic, it can be expressed as mathematical formulae which allow us to unequivocally determine whether or not a certain line of reasoning is correct.”

Also programming languages like: Python ,Java, Lisp, Prolog, C++ have been used till date to make machines more intelligent but lack of strict set of rules, AI is still to be developed.

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